Friday, April 24, 2009

Designing Your Log Home For Retirement

If you are planning on building your retirement log home there is no doubt you have probably been thinking of ways to lessen the amount of maintenance and considering getting around as the mobility becomes more limited. You may consider widening your doorways and hallways for the possibility of wheelchairs or walkers. Making your bathroom bigger so that there is more room to move around and installing handlebars around the walls and toilet would also be an option. It would also be ideal to allow for more space around kitchen cabinets so that a wheelchair can get through. You may as well be considering one-level living as opposed to two-level living so that you wouldn't have to be concerned about climbing stairs. It seems to make more sense to have everything on the first floor for easier getting around. Building a ramp into the house is also another option. And lastly, a relatively maintenance free home should be high on your list. Some examples of lessening maintenance issues may be; protecting your house from sun and water damage by building a porch onto your house and chosing pressure treated logs or weather resistant stains will surely ensure less maintenance on your log home

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