Monday, June 1, 2009

Guest Rooms In Your Log Home

If you own a log home you know that guests are inevitable. The fact is, owning a log home is a sure attractant for friends and added family members, and chances are they will be staying the night, so it only makes sense to make them feel welcomed by making the guestrooms inviting. A guest room doesn't have to be overly large. A comfortable size is 12 x 14 feet just big enough for the bed and a dresser or chair. If the guestroom is to be used for multi-use its best to avoid built-ins because people like to change things around. Log home owners like to give their guests the four-star treatment so many owners come up with separate suites where their guests can get away to their own retreat. Where you place the guest suite depends on specifics of the property. Where ever you plan on building the guestroom make sure it has privacy and a bathroom nearby. Of course, the more comfortable you make your guests feel the longer they will want to stay.

Please visit our website at Muskoka Log Homes for more information.

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