Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cleaning Your Log Home

Log homes are a lot easier to maintain than a conventional home, and they also have better air quality than a conventional home. This is partly because of the natural construction. There really isn't any man-made materials built into a log home that people are sometimes allergic to. Log homes typically have a better seal than stick-frame homes. If you want to make cleaning your log home easier use a clear coat on the logs, that way all you have to do once a year is go over them with a duster such as a swiffer. Make sure you have a filtration system in your home because as with any home (according to the EPA) the air inside your home is more polluted than the outside air. You should also have your well water tested by someone in that field and if a problem with your water is determined you should look at a good filtration system to correct the problem. Investing in central vacuuming allows you to vacuum less frequently because of its deep-cleaning ability. In log homes inlets can be installed in the floor. Keeping your home clean will help keep a clean bill of health.

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