Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cultured Stone For Your Log Home

Cultured stone is made by pouring concrete into moulds that take their shape like real pieces of rock. Cuts need to be hidden along the mortar lines to maintain the real look. You can use them for interior or exterior applications, and they are light and less expensive than the real stone. Cultured stone installs like tile. It can be applied over plywood, foam insulation, block walls, concrete or even drywall. You should organize your site for setting up your equipment . You would want all your materials close to where you are going to install the cultured stone. You will probably need a rubber hammer, stiff bristle brush, angle driver, and diamond cutting blades for cutting the stone. Open all the boxes of stone and choose an assortment of sizes and shapes from each box to make sure that the look always appears natural. If your new at this you might begin by laying out the pieces in front of your work area so that you have a variety of shapes and sizes to choose from. Try to fit two or three stones at a time.

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